Mode 2: Préludes...

26 November 2016 - 28 January 2017

I have always been fascinated by the rhythm and motion of human body whether through dancing, music or graffiti. Lettering reminds me of the instrumental part of a music piece, and, when I look at a graffiti, I can imagine, based on the size, the trajectory of the hand, the motion of the elbow or the shoulder, and even the entire body motion involved.” — Mode 2

Préludes revolves around the notions of motion, rhythm, musicality and dynamism, which are characteristic of Mode 2's work since his first pieces in 1984. His drawing and painting virtuosity combined with his positioning the defense of the culture make him a great source of admiration, if not adulation, for his peers. His originality and influence on the international art scene have turned him into a reference in art history, whereby he continues to follow his own path and tackle topics that are dear to him.

For this show, Mode 2 focuses on the universality of music through motion, dancing, writing and visual composition. A music score in four parts, even further elaborated in the fourth room of the gallery A music score in four parts, even further elaborated in the fourth room of the gallery where the sensuality of the body is showcased through the artist's erotic work for the very first time in a French gallery.

Intended as an intense feeling translated into painting, Préludes suggests a growing excitement or apprehension, which, beyond sole narration, illustrates the moment that precedes, announces, prepares and anticipates what is come. The preface of a book one wants to devour, hints of a promising artistic style about to blossom, first notes of a track suggesting the goodness to come, first moves of a dancer entering the stage, or those very first touches between two lovers or mere partners in want... One might think about Debussy who composed his preludes like an open music score and an invitation to wander and daydream. For this exhibition, Mode 2 draws on the energy and inventiveness of hip-hop in order to explore his own limits. Given that an exhibition opening resembles a theater play or a show on stage, Préludes sees the artist as a tightrope-walker oscillating between topics, compositions, colors and lines.