Rouge Hartley's work, guided by her love of literature, philosophy and aesthetics, follows a common thread in this exhibition that is one of the five elements: fire. According to Gaston Bachelard, "If everything that changes slowly is explained by life, everything that changes quickly is explained by fire. Fire is the ultra-living. Fire is intimate and it is universal. It lives in our heart. It lives in the sky. It rises from the depths of substance and offers itself as love (...)". If we follow this psychoanalytical vision, fire is an essential agent of life and feelings as an attempt at free will in the face of the human condition. It also forges our relationship to time that is consumed. This exhibition, with its almost premonitory dimension, is the expression of a very powerful vital force in the artist, between water and fire, after death has caressed her with its fingertips. It is simply a sign of rebirth. The works with lush and exuberant flowers contrast with the representation of characters frozen in suspended moments and the devouring fire. This ensemble leads us to a contemplative and hypnotic reflection, with a little something that gradually rises from within, to amplify more and more loudly, until a potential explosion of emotions.


« Ne comptez pas sur moi pour attendre que tout meure »

Solo show, March, 22-26 mars

Opening on March, 22 mars, 2-8 PM

43, rue de Montmorency, Paris 3e

Thursday to Sunday, 11am - 7pm

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